Saturday, April 20, 2013

Here is the key to the gates of your heart
Open them wide and transcend
Look down from on high at the earth
From which you have come
And see it renewed

Look then at the friends who have gathered here
And accept from each one a great gift
What we share is more
Than words can bear
Or tongue
Or tell

Now let us fly higher and higher
Above these heavens we know
To those which were promised
When we were below
To those places
Where we
The truth is as plain as a beam of light.
Some see it others do not.
If it hides, it hides in your breast.
I can see it if you cannot.

The light that I see in others
Must yet be in myself as well
Or why would my heart be filled
With yearning as great as this

The heart is where all the great secrets are hid
The light will reveal them there
Vast beyond measure and lighter than air
It contains all the meanings of things

Heart to heart is how we must speak
What we say is wasted on brain
Open our heavens, our billowing clouds
And drench the earth with our rain.

Crossing the desert at night,
We keep the starships in sight
And listen with heart and soul
To the music of the spheres

We started here and we are going there
Or did we start there and end up here
Here is not there
Or perhaps we are neither

Chaos on the desert at night
Allows us to go straight
In any direction at all
We have but one destination.

That destination is veiled by the dark
And to distant to see
So keenly we search every horizon
Standing high on each dune.

When the first sign of light does appear
Our hearts will respond with delight
Though our minds will be lost to reason
The sun will soon be in sight

When the stars vanish from heaven
And the moon no longer gives light
We know that our destination
Is now clearly in sight

Yet we still do not know which direction
That glorious orb will appear
Now we’re more lost than ever
And suddenly tormented by fear

With  reason  restored
And our minds on the scene
We attempt a well thought prediction
Of  how where and when

Too early for shadow
We use wind and cloud
The time is so close
And we want to be there.
Suddenly bright, and our fear is intense
The world is now long shadows
None longer than ours
If we can we must turn our backs to them now.

Shadows behind us, blindness before
What courage to move in such a direction
Cold of foot, hot of face
This is the beginning, and this is the end

The fire of separation has burned my heart to ashes, but this too is but a proof of the sublimity of my quest.  How could this longing exist, if there were nothing to long for?  What unity must this remoteness define?  O, soul who has abandoned its home to build a nest on the ground.  Home is calling from within you. Only turn your gaze from difference to unity, from what you would be to what you are.  Trade your will for His will and your eyes for His eyes and your purpose for His Divine Purpose.  A true believer is beacon of light, an emanation which shows the way to all who will see.  He is a proof, an example, a book in which may be read the testimony of his Lord and yours.  Listen to the angels and follow their example.  Bow when they bow.  Kneel when they kneel.  Be patient when they are patient and forgiving of all.  Lift up your voice and proclaim the Cause of your Lord.  Take up your pen and summon all to Him, that this dust may yet produce those who will remember Him.  If you are opposed, be  grateful, for it is but a proof of its effect, and a gift for your effort, a test to cause you to grow, or sign of growth.  Look where you have come to see where you will go, and where you go to know from where you have come.  I must ask forgiveness for what I say, lest my words accuse my deeds or my deeds betray my words.  May God protect us from the results of our actions and our words.  If He accept a thing it is acceptable, if not, it is worthless.  O, Lord, please accept all that I have attempted and shall attempt to do for love of Thee and in praise of Thee, and assist me to assist Thee.

This is the day of rat a tat data
of too many cities and not enough towns
of too many dancers, politicians, and clowns.
Too many people, no places unknown
Knowledge is power, electrical now
With ignorance slain, a new beast at the door
No one sees danger about anymore.

Has nobody noticed that danger is near
That beautiful billions are buried in fear
Knowledge is open, what new barricade
Can keep the masses from finding you here?
Twitter and tweet can nip at your feet,
But without a head, your dead.
Lonely soul come home!  Where all you seek and more than you can imagine awaits you.  Harken the call!  Respond the summons! Put away all that matters not. 
Unwrap your soul from its identity and let it weep with such weeping as will open the door and admit it to its heavenly abode.  Peel the first wrap and admit, the second and love, the third and know.  Then mourn the loss until blissful joy blows you gently through that portal to the road home.  If you walked, now you run.  If you ran, now you fly.  Guides here are rare, companions few, but could it matter?  Watch him come home to him; watch you come home to you.  If you should cry again, turn your back to the shadow.  If your back should become warm, turn your face to the light.  There is one way, follow it.
Where is the heart that needs not a soul, or the soul that needs not a heart?  Listen with heart and soul to the end  and the beginning.

All for which it longs will come to your lonely heart.
A grey man with old whiskers, showed me the way, from earliest childhood until today.
Now that he’s whitening, he’ll be leaving my world, and I must go with him to somewhere untold.  He guided me here, I must lead him there.  

God of Glory, King of Kings!  Thou hast turned sorrows to joy, grieving to bliss, and sadness into happiness causing paradise to descend upon a broken heart.  What greater good than this could we imagine.  The gentile winds of such transformation blowing softly through our hearts gives lift to our opening wings and lets the world depart.  To what places will these currents carry a soul, what wonders to unveil.  Splendors countless, worlds untold.  Until at last, astounded, overwhelmed, we must repair to peace, the portal of the new fontier.
I beg Thy Forgiveness
I supplicate Thy Mercy
I thank Thy Grace
I praise Thy Glory
I seek Thy Truth
I burn with Thy love
I long for Thy Knowledge
I shine with Thy Unity
My soul thirsts, my heart longs, my mind is distracted
Help me find the questions for my soul to answer, and for my heart to understand
Let me stand before Thee
Alone but not lonely
Exalted but not proud
Humble but not abased
Eager but not ambitious
Help the light of my soul to escape the darkness from which it came
The love in my heart to be seen and felt
The mysteries and wonders which surround me to be unraveled and displayed
and Thy Glory to be revealed
I testify, O my God, that Thou art One
That Thou hast created me
Hast summoned me
Loved me
Slain me
Raised me
Satisfied me
Astonished me
Allow me to be grateful enough to vanish
And humble enough to sing.
Let me sing Thy praise, O my God
Let me tell of Thy wondrous bounties
Let me show Thy Greatness, Thy Bounty, Thy Mercy and Grace
Let me demonstrate the marvels of Thy Kingdom
Let me write such things as will assist those who read them to direct their steps toward Thee
Let me summon them unto Thee, O my God,
Let them know the unfettered joy of Thy Presence
Let them see what no one has seen
Let them rise to such heights that they may shine throughout the night
Let them guide others to the dawning light
And let them know the new Day

I beg of Thee, O Lord of the Worlds, to mercifuly accept from me any service Thou doest percive from me. My separation from Thee oppresses me, and I long for that promised reunion in that Sanctified Spot. What effort can I make, what word can I speak, unless that effort be accepted or that word be approved by Thee? I am greatfull O My God, for for the Ocean of Thy Grace, and the Bounty of Thy Favours, and I long to serve Thee. What expression of mine could ever endure, or what effort could I make that would be of any value at all, if that expression or effort were to be unacceptable to Thee. Only starship can travel through this dark night and nothing that is not born of Thee can ever return unto Thee. Make me then, O Lord, Thine, that I may be accounted among those who have passed through this darkness unto the Light, sanctified from all limitation, and speaking only as bidden by Thee. How could I lay claim to existance unless that existance were claimed by Thee, and how could nonexistance be raised to the station of being, but through Thy Grace and to demonstrste Thy power and Thy will? Thy Might hath called all existance into being and Thy Grace hath raised up whomsoever Thou didst desire to whatever heights Thou didst ordain. I am worn with age, my heart has melted and my soul burns with its eagerness to express itself. When I lift my arms to praise Thee, I am ashamed, when I bow down I am desolate, seated I realize my impotence. Astonish me O my God, and accept my sins and limtations as an offering in Thy Path, that therby Thou mightest be praised and glorified, better known for Thy Forgivness and Pardon. How many of Thy servants have called upon Thee, and how few have been chosen. If all were accepted how would Thy greatness be shown, and if many were not called, how would Thy generosity be displayed. I know that Thou wilt not turn away anyone who desires Thee, or reject a supplicant after Thou hast summoned them to Thee. I beg of Thee O Lord, not to cause me to turn back when I am confronted by Thy Greatness, blinded by Thy Light. Thy Greatness hath no limitation, nor hath Thy Grace any boumds. Hear I beg of Thee, this evenescent one, and grant that he may become a sign of Grandure, a token of Thy Grace, and an emblem of Thy Mercy. All praise be to the Lord of the Worlds.

My soul, O my God would sing to Thee an anthem of praise. If that praise should not reach Thee, then grant that it may reach to those would be moved by it and those who would raise another song, one which might reach to the heaven of Thy Bountifulness, and cause to descend a rain of bounty causing Thy servants to flourish and Thy Glory to be seen. I wish only to recount the blessings and tokens of Thee which Thou hast graciously placed before us. Thou hast given us sight, that we might see Thee reflected in all of Thy creation, hearing that we may hear and respond to Thy call, and reason that we could find Thee near unto us and turn to Thee at a time such as this. Demonstrate Thy Power, O God, by raising us up to such heights that we shall see nothing that Thou dost not wish us to see, and hear only what Thou dost call us to hear. Make of our hearts, and minds, and souls vessels which will bear Thy gifts and Treasures. Show all the world that Thou art God and that Thou alone art to be praised, and alone art Thou the One Who doest as Thou pleasest. Make Thy Cause, our cause and Thy Will, our will, so that it may be made clear. Help us then to find Thee, cause us to love Thee, aid us to know Thee that we may all testify that Thou alone art God. Calm our souls and assure our hearts that we may apprehend the splendors of the Mysteries which lie hidden in our souls. Accept us, O God, and draw us unto Thee, that we may see all things through the Eye of our Lord, and through no other. Thou art the Lord of Great Bounty, the Blissful, the Undrstanding

O God, unworthy as I am, I turn to Thee. Sinfull as I am I supplicate Thee seeking Thy Pardon and Forgiveness. I have no right or claim, but Thou art the Gracious, the Merciful. I am undeserving, and Thou art Loving, Kind, and Bountiful. What better canvas than evenescence on which to paint Granduer. Where better to demonstrate Power than helplessness, or Eternity tham in a fleeting life.

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