Sunday, April 21, 2013

I am a stranger in a savage land.

I am a stranger in a savage land.  I have been taught that I live in a civilized place and that it is the envy of all.  Still, individuals seem to be often in a state of conflict; institutions are frequently dishonest, self-serving, and corrupt; and governments are not trusted by those who elect them. The world is in a constant state of war and bloodshed, starvation is common, epidemics are rife, and crime is an accepted part of daily life.  The civilization I was told that I was a part of has lost the ethical and moral framework that it was organized around and is now no more that a bubble which is presently going to burst taking with it the arts and technology which it created.  The relationships between family members and friends which is the glue holding the bubble together are rapidly disintegrating.  Few people remain who hold any value higher than self-interest, and those who do are usually clinging to some ideal that they have learned but do not understand.  Yes, savagery is the accepted expression of life on the bubble.

My hope and my optimism stem from a knowledge that there is a new and greater civilization coming into being beneath the bubble.  This new civilization is global in its reference, peaceful in its methods, and universal in its scope.  It has a new set of ethical and moral principles for its framework, and it is vigorous and adaptable in its growth. It has its own institutions and agencies. its own stalwart supporters, and it is everywhere.  Right now it is like the new skin beneath a blister.  It is soft and new, largely untested.  We must all hope that when the bubble bursts that it will be mature enough to protect and sustain all of us. 

You must not infer from this that it represents a threat or that it may foment a revolution, because these things are not a part of this new civilization.  It does not seek to overthrow nor does it wish any ill for others.  It rather works to support and sustain existing governments and agencies by requiring its adherents to obey and support their governments.  The goal of this civilization is to create a world where every individual may achieve his highest potential and fulfil his greatest capacity.  It wishes to harm no one.

This new civilization places the highest values on agriculture and medicine.  It respects the arts and sciences.  It elevates work to an act of worship.  It requires universal education.  It seeks to protect both the worker and the capitalist.  It sees value in eliminating the extremes of wealth and poverty.  It envisions a world language.  It holds that there is an imperative need for a world government.  The equality of men and women, and of the races is a fundamental belief .  Contention and conflict are replaced by frank and open consultation.  It seeks to cleanse the world of estrangement, animosity, enmity,  rancor, and hate; not by employing these methods, but by replacing them with love and unity, hard won as these victories may be.  

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