Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Fires...

My soul and your soul shine with the same light. 
My mirror and your mirror reflect the same Great Orb.
My will and your will lie in the hollow of the same Hand.
My fate and your fate have the same purpose.
Who would call us different?
Why do we disagree?
What is this great gift we share which allows us to construct differences?
Knowledge, like us, is one; differences derive from ignorance.
Is ignorance the gift we share?
How long will this ignorance survive?
Surely it will not survive the grave.
Why, then, do we cling so tenaciously to it?
Why prefer delusion to knowledge?
Could anything but pride lead us so far astray that we would prefer our own desires above all else?
Once led from the garden we must return through the fires.
The first fire is burning search
And self forgetfulness.
The second is consuming love
Whose flames are fed by the satanic self.
Then you may once again eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge
And know good from evil.
Then you may eat of the fruit of the tree of Life
And escape these differences.

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